Thursday, April 30, 2009

What are plate chargers?

these are plate-shaped items found in stores such as Garden Ridge

What are plate chargers?
The plate charger goes under the actual plate on the table. Plate chargers are bigger than regular plates so that you can see them underneath and around the plate.

They come on a lot of different colors and that's where their use comes in. You can put a colored charger under a white plate to help it match to a colored theme on your table and centerpiece. Not sure why they call them chargers, except maybe they "charge up" the look of the table by adding color.
Reply:Chargers are a traditional convention of table setting, as you go through a meal, course by course, your plates are supposed to be removed. At the end of the meal instead of having a clean surface with no plate you are left with a charger, it is considered better form. And of course traditionally with elaborate chargers you could show your wealth.
Reply:Although they maybe for elegance on a table setting.

My family and I enjoy them for the quick snacks and things we need while watching TV or doing homework.

Mine are made of some sort of resin painted in black. They work better than a TV tray stand.

I find the ones made of glass to be too heavy and I am afraid the kids may accidentally drop them and break them.

The ones found during Christmas seem to be lighter and I generally get the silver ones and use them during the summer during bar-b-ques, these hold the Styrofoam plates much easier and work if I don't have enough sitting space for all my friends and relatives that show up for the party.
Reply:Just for decoration, your dinner plate sits on top of the charger.

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